07-15-2001 |
Sunday, July 15, 2001: (Letter to Laila) Oh, it's a sad day - the married couple, Scott & Sky, are leaving. His grandparents were killed in a car accident on Friday. These are his mom's parents. She also lost her sister 2 years ago to cancer. So they feel like they wanna go home to support her. Of course it's the right decision, but it's so sad to see them go. We all just walked over to their house to scavenge the stuff they weren't taking home (me me me - what's in it for me?!). They're lots of fun to have around and I'll miss them. Plus, his poor mom - losing her only sister, then both parents! I'm really doing as well as it sounds like I am. I'm not often homesick, and my health is better than most. The others tell me I'm "amazing" or "doing really well with all this," and I'm not quite sure what that means. LOL! Are they suggesting someone my age isn't expected to this well... or someone used to a softer life... or what? Or, perhaps I'm truly just amazing! =) Did I e-mail you that we learn our sites on Thursday? I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to get the relocation allowance, and have my own stove, pots, and pans, etc... This family is great, but for someone used to living alone or independently, it's sometimes hard. Check with me in six months when I'm bitching about having to do all my own cooking! =) Also, this week is the ACTFL (?) test to see how our French is. We have to test at "intermediate high" to graduate. I'm not sure I'm there yet, but I know I will be before training is over. Then, this weekend, we're having a little fete at a resort called Grand Bassam (?). It's the half-way point celebration. Like I said - big week!!! I have much more to write and mail through the US mail. Better get moving. Love you, miss you, mean it! =) Kate |